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Na-nu, Na-nu

They say scars are badges of honor. Sometimes I wonder about that, ya know. When I think of a badge of honor it brings to mind something shiny, maybe, but something with meaning behind it. Something you can take off and put in a walnut box to show your grandkids someday. But the honor ? There’s no box for that. A lot of people are talking about Mork killing himself. I think most would say it’s a tragedy but for opposing reasons. Many are saying he’s a victim of something bigger than himself. Others are saying he’s essentially a villain guilty of a crime against every person he claimed to love. What do I say? I say everybody has scars and some people live with em pushing through the blood, sweat, and tears to the end. I say that good fathers do not abandon their children. I say that good husbands do not abandon their wives. I say that loving kind selfless people don’t leave the world in a fit of despair leaving every single person around them to pick up th
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